Files Mirror

Files Mirror is a program to do a mirror backup from source and destination directory for Windows XP/Vista/7. You only select the folders to do backup and the program do all, thanks to Robocopy command.
Only requirements is Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and to install the program extract it from zip in any directory.

Last update

Version 1.2.0 - 30/11/11
  • New command in toolbar "New" to clear the list
  • Resolved an error that not make the mirror correctly
  • Bugs fixed
Version 1.1.0 - 25/09/11
  • New command line functions to make automatic synchronizations (Start program with /?)
  • Bugs fixed
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/10
  • This is the first version of this program
  • All options are intuitive



Last Version

Files Mirror 1.2.0 (357 Kb) - DOWNLOAD (440 times)

Files Mirror 1.1.0 (355 Kb) - DOWNLOAD (1843 times)

Old Versions

Files Mirror 1.0.0 (347 Kb) - DOWNLOAD (2188 times)

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