iFonz 2

iFonz 2 is a new Windows Mobile interface, with a lots of customization and a fully graphical design and animations for Windows Mobile 5/6 completely writed in .NET.

Read more info in Readme.txt file in the installation folder on your mobile or on XDA Forum at the latest thread about iFonz 2.
For any support go to XDA Forum.

Install / Uninstall

To Install iFonz 2 only extract the folder in zip file in any directory and start iFonz2.exe or iFonz2Configurator.exe.
To Uninstall iFonz 2 delete the folder of program where you have extracted.

To Install click on cab file and start iFonz2.exe or iFonz2Configurator.exe.
To Uninstall go to Windows Mobile Settings and Remove programs.

Last update

Version 0.6.0 - 02/06/2009 - Last version
This is my last version of this software to start a new program named (???) similar to Android or Mobile Shell 3 more customizable.

  • Converted Settings.dat file in a normal txt file and dismissed XML (Old settings will be converted first time you start new version)
  • Resolved problem with special character in filenames and error in load settings
  • Now when battery charge you see how much is charged the battery in home page
  • Now you can create Battery.png and Signal.png in vertical to create a good animations (See AndroidVGA theme)
  • Now if you set 0 to Seconds line you dont see it in Analog Clock
  • Bug fixes
For more history version info read Readme.txt file in installation directory on your mobile.


Version 0.5.0 - 15/05/2009
  • Now when press Enter key you can switch first and last page of icons, if you have only 1 page go to home page, and in home page go to programs page
  • Added Background to programs page, if you set a wide background it do the panoramic during the slide (use more memory and it's slowly)
  • Rewrite the graphic engine for programs page
  • Added option to set and color shadow text of icons in Programs page
  • Added option to set and color rounded back rectancle to text of cons in Programs page
  • Added option to show Fps in program
  • Added gesture from up (top) to down to minimize iFonz
  • Added animations on starting applications, now you can set in Configurator the colors of Open rectangle animation
  • Added type icons in Program page with notifications ballon
  • Added small and big notifications bitmap
  • Now if you slide pages you can go from page 1 or last page to homepage and viceversa
  • Now you can edit single icon directly in the programs page to modify all information about it
  • Integrated Configurator in iFonz for more speed settings open and use
  • Added and rewrited the move action with animations
  • Added for search files the "Windows Programs ->" item to go directly in the folder "\Windows\Start Menu"
  • Added option to show/hide Windows Task bar

Version 0.3.0 - 08/04/2009
  • Added iFonz2Configurator.exe in the folder to set all options of the program
  • General speed improvements
  • Fixed error with big text day on Calendar top, use integer value in settings.dat for "TextSizeCalTop"
  • Added a lots of options for customize iFonz 2
  • Optimized the reload of programs when Rename, Move and Delete
  • Fix an error with battery signal when is critical
  • Removed Favorites in scrolling list of files for now
  • Now Settings.dat is created/completed with missed default values
  • The loading of iFonz is a little more slow of old version because now load settings and icons at start
  • Modify the maximum number of button in Home Page to 12
  • Now click icons is more simple and the sensibility is correct
  • Added Enter key to return to page 1 in Programs
  • Added function to return automatically in iFonz when close it or a program
For more history version info read Readme.txt file in installation directory on your mobile.

(Need Flash - Get Flash here.)


How To make a theme

Remember that the first pixel(0,0) of trasparent images is the trasparent color!

  1. First of all create a new folder on your PC with the name of you theme (Eg.: SimonVGA,...) and copy all files from a standard theme with your desired screen resolution.
  2. Open and modify and resize to match your desired resolution for each single graphics files in the folder and take more attention on these images:
    • Battery.png - it's 7 images in only 1, 1° part is empty battery, 2° part is low battery and others are the energy bar
    • BottomBar.png - it's 4 images in only 1, 1° upper left part is normal left menu, 2° upper right part is normal right menu, 3° bottom left part is pushed left menu and 4° bottom right part is pushed right menu
    • Clock.png - it's the image of clock without the arrows, the dimension of image is not resized in iFonz
    • HomeTopBack.png - it's the most important image of Homepage because determines the position of all others images on Home, resize correctly to adjust impagination
    • Signal.png - same of Battery.png but it is divided in 6 images, remember that you can do an image much longer but it's divided for 6
    • TopScrollList.png - it's 2 images in only 1, 1° part is for normal button in scrol list and 2° part is for pushed button
  3. After all modifications copy the folder created first under the "iFonz2\Themes" directory in your Mobile PDA to test it;
  4. To test it open Settings and choose you theme and save.


Last Version

iFonz 2 v.0.6.0 ZIP Version (1,16 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (550 times)
iFonz 2 v.0.6.0 CAB Version (1,39 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (559 times)
Out of date bugfix (Extract in iFonz 2 folder) (341 Kb) - DOWNLOAD

Old Versions

iFonz 2 v.0.5.0 (1 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (533 times)
iFonz 2 v.0.3.0 (1,2 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (537 times)


iFonz 2 Themes (1,26 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (545 times)
Wallpapers Wide (5,79 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (795 times)
Icons and wallapapers for QVGA (2,97 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (46055 times)
Icons and wallapapers for VGA (4,57 Mb) - DOWNLOAD (31934 times)

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Work in progress

Thanks to all for appreciations and donations!
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otherwise it'll all go to PayPal.)

Luke phrases


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